P E O P L E S I T E S 2 0 2 5 - 1 9 9 2
“publicartuk Instagram
We made a 3D collection to celebrate International Women’s Day! Explore these artworks and more by some of our favourite female sculptors”
my sculpture Changes 2010 Greenham Common UK
8th March
The Royal Society of Sculptors summer exhibition. Selectors - Nicky and Robert Wilson , Founders & Directors of Jupiter Artland…image Ros Burgin MRSS
11th July - 19th September
In this father and daughter exhibition Gudrun looks to the past, stories of the land and personal memories, which provides her with the basis for the work of collage where the present lies harshly over the land. text Aldís Arnardóttir
Gallerí Grásteinn 4th - 30th January
“publicartuk Instagram
🌍 Happy World Art Day! We’ve been busy digitally preserving the UK’s public artworks so they can be enjoyed by people all over the world online in both virtual and augmented reality”.
my sculpture Changes 2010 Greenham Common UK
15th April
RBS summer exhibition. Landslide is part of the Mountain series 2014-2019 waste that are the ruins of consumerism in the contemporary world, ruins that are in constant motion, becoming mountains that lasts only for a certain amount of time, then moved or disappears by human involvement. Gudrun pauses at this momentum of transformation, in this gradual process that is on slow but constant drift.
22nd Jul - 14th September.
Group Exhibition September in LE MARAIS Paris: the Environmental series of barren wasteland. Those early work of the Barren wasteland series 2019- expresses a collision of journeys 1955 and 2019, where one is white and the other one black”.
16th - 19th September
International Art Exhibition MAINOEUVRE gallerie BERLIN 15th - 18th May
Exhibiting photographs from the “Mountain Series” 2014 - 2018
Gudrun and german artist ULF KOENIG particepate in the performance executed by the dutch Experimental Artist DIEUWKE SLUMP at the International Art Exhibition in MAINOEUVRE gallerie BERLIN 15th - 18th May
The Icelandic Sculptors Society Winter Exhibition in their Sculpture Garden Reykjavik 7th February - ongoing. Image from the opening.
“Frumleikar” day in Grundargerðisgarður 16.júlí whilst the exhibition “FALLVELTI HEIMSINS” continues, my sculpture Temple in the distance.
Kunst 2017 an international exhibition in the FATAMORGANA gallery in the heart of Berlin´s Mitte exhibiting photographs from the “Mountain Series” 2014 – 2017
The Nordic Exhibition "SKULPTUR", with the Icelandic Ambassador in London Mr. Þórður Ægir Óskarsson, Erla Kiernan Ashford and other guests at the opening ceremony in Prince´s Gardens, Imperial College London. photo V.G.
Borrowed View, the opening ceremony with Gerla the curator of the Exhibition "Under the Open Sky" at Skólavörðuholt Reykjavík, a performance takes place.
Director of Edsvik Konsthall Mr.Ricardo Dononso opening the exhibition, European Sculpture - methods, materials, poetry. Chairman of sculpture-network Mr.Ralf Kirberg with artists and other guests.
in converstion with a guest at the opening of the exhibition “European Sculpture - methods, materials, poetry”, at Edsvik Art Gallery in Sweden 05.May
in converstion with guests by my installation Borrowed View 231 at the opening of the exhibition “European Sculpture - methods, materials, poetry”, at Edsvik Art Gallery in Sweden 05.May
Professor Sir Robert Burgess with sculptor John Sydney Carter on 27th June opening the Heart Head and Hands Sculpture Exhibition, in Harold Martin Botanic Garden, University of Leicester, England.
in conversation with guests by my sculpture Labyrinthat the opening of the Heart Head and Hands Sculpture Exhibition, in Harold Martin Botanic Garden, University of Leicester, England.
Early morning installation Amigasamon on it´s way to the top of the mound. At Abbey House Gardens, Malmesbury, Wiltshire. photo V.G.
in conversation with Magnús Gestsson at the opening of the Heart Head and Hands Sculpture Exhibition, in Harold Martin Botanic Garden, University of Leicester, England.
The workshop Drawing Symposium "Technologies of Drawing" sculpture network, Germany in cooperation with the University of Huddersfield. Image, some of the participating artist´s before taking off on a trip to visit Yorkshire Sculpture Park among other sites. photo Beatriz Blanch
Amigasamon, a permanent installation at Abbey House Gardens, Malmesbury, Wiltshire. The sculpture was installed for the sculpture Exhibition "Spectrum", image with The Naked Gardeners permission, Ian and Barbara Pollard on a cloths optional day on site. photo G.Nielsen
With fellow artists by my 3 mat Japanese teahouse at the opening of the Exhibition Sculpture in the Garden: "A Celebration of the RBS Centenary". Brian Falconbridge, Helaine Blumenfeld, Adam Farkas also present Yorick Blumenfeld in the Harold Martin Botanic Garden, University of Leicester, England. photo V.G.
by “Core” at UCL, the British Heart Foundation Laboratories, Rayne Institute, University Street, London. on the day of the unveiling.
My sculpture "Core". A speech by Lord Michael Heseltine at the opening and the unveiling. The UCL, British Heart Foundation Laboratories, Rayne Institute, University Street, London.
Time, (1999) 2002, Westwood Highschool for girls commission/RSS, preservation of the Gillett & Johnston (clock- and bell makers) historic Thornton Heath landmark, in a site specific wall mural. Unveiling by Dr. Jean Gooding.
One of the old clockface´s from the The Gillett & Johnston clocktower in Thornton Heath, south Croydon. Main part of my wall mural Time. photo G.Nielsen
My sculpture "Untitled" or Stairway To Heaven. Image from the opening night of The Henley Festival of Music and the Arts, Oxfordshire, England.
My sculpture "Untitled" or Stairway To Heaven. Image from the opening night of The Henley Festival of Music and the Arts, Oxfordshire, England.
Selected work from the Barren Wasteland series 2019. Exhibited in Hjartavernd the Icelandic Heart Association Kópavogi Iceland 18th November to the end of 2025